Beacon, New York – December 2018

In my life, I have had the incredible honor to be invited to participate in four births. It is sacred, intimate space – profound and everyday, emotional and logistical, spiritual and human. Here for the first time, I stayed with dear friends mere days before their baby is due. I went to a doctor visit and heard the baby’s heartbeat. I helped get the house in order. I showered attention on the three-year-old big-sister-to-be whose life was about to change more than she understood. I chauffeured errands. I went with the expectant mother to get mani-pedis. I spent quality time with mom and dad, talking and laughing and catching up like old friends do. Another incredible honor, to walk this part of their journey with them.

Most of the photos I took are not mine to share, so here are some shots of the cute town of Beacon.
