Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – February 2019

Like so many others, I was consumed with the musical “Hamilton” a couple of years ago. It really brought home a couple of insights to me.

One of the lyrics was “Look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now – history is happening.“ It shook me (again!) into remembering that all history was once a “now,” and – conversely – that NOW is history in the making.
The other point that was driven home is that the “Founding Fathers” were not unanimous in their viewpoints. The tendency is to speak of them as if they were all wise, clear in the implications of their actions, and in lock step in their ideals.

But the truth is that the United States has a consistent history of wrestling with principles and reality, with revisiting ideals in light of new insights and circumstances, with balancing individual freedoms and collective interdependency. It has always been so.

At Independence National Historical Park, I put aside my so-sophisticated critical-thinking world-weariness and let myself be amazed and inspired anew by the vision of representative government and participatory democracy. Even if it requires constant reflection, discussion and action… even if it will always be imperfect in its application and in need of constructive criticism to meet its own ideals… it is remarkable and precious and worthy of fighting for.

Look around. History is happening. Our fellow citizens of the world, our planet, and the future depend on us.
And dare I say it? How lucky we are to be alive right now.
