The rain was such a gift because it scrubbed the wildfire smoke out of the sky for a day and a half, just long enough to give Mom and Dad the Rockies experience I so wanted them to have!
- Lake Louise the first evening, in the rain. You can barely make out Victoria Glacier in the center.
- Lake Louise and Victoria Glacier from Chateau Lake Louise
- Moraine Lake – A second reason to thank the rain! Moraine Lake can only take so many visitors at once, so it’s not easy to get there. Going at 7pm in the rain worked like a charm!
- Looking down Banff Avenue in the Town of Banff from the Cascades of Time building and gardens
- Bow Falls and the Bow River
- Since my sister Deb and nephew Will dabbed in Jasper, Mom and Dad jumped in on it in Banff!
- The Banff Springs Hotel
- Mount Stephen Hall in the Banff Springs Hotel
- The view from the balcony of the Banff Springs Hotel
- A grove of aspens, which I find to be elegant and cheery at the same time
- Canada does this “iconic” thing of designating particularly nice viewpoints in its National Parks with red (??!) Adirondack chairs. Clever and cute!
- Johnston Creek in Johnston Canyon
- Lower Falls of Johnston Creek in Johnston Canyon
- Castle Cliffs from the Bow Valley Parkway
- From the Bow Valley Parkway
- From the Bow Valley Parkway
- Pipestone River in the Village of Lake Louise
- Lake Louise and Victoria Glacier
- We took the Banff Gondola to the top of Sulphur Mountain to get the birds eye view. Gorgeous!
- The Town of Banff from the top of Sulphur Mountain
- View from the top of Sulphur Mountain
- I said this was a “peak” experience. ? Dad said if we come back, it will be a “re-peak” experience. ? (THAT’S where I get it from! ?)
- The Cave of Cave & Basin National Historic Site – the birthplace of Canada’s National Parks!
- The Basin of Cave & Basin National Historic Site
- And then… it got smoky again – Two Jack Lake
- Wildfire smoke hangs over still-stunning Lake Minnewanka