Manhattan & Brooklyn, New York – Jan & Feb 2019

It is nothing less than exquisite to feel a deep sense of affection and connection with people who you share history with. Oh, the familiarity and warmth – even after years of not seeing them. In New York, I spent time with friends from UMass, my internship year at Fellowship of Reconciliation, my activism in Portland Oregon in the ‘90s, my union days circa ‘98-‘02 in San Francisco, AND saw my sister and three of her kids! My journey this year has included many reunions like this, but NYC was so packed (two old friends per day!) and the origin stories so varied – I marveled at it anew.

I have mixed feelings about selfies, so I don’t take them all that much. Therefore, I don’t have nearly the representation of this superb visit. Big love to Jo, David, Stephanie, Seth, Stacey, Libero, Mike, Lisa, Glenn, Jenny, Deb, Will, Sefton and Emily!!

(I was in NYC before AND after India, and the photos are together in one post. In case anyone is trying to figure that out!)
