I have been utterly enchanted with New England since I was a kid. We had family all along the Eastern Seaboard, and would frequently take road trips from relatives’ house to relatives’ house, from NC to VA, NY, MA, NH, PA and back. I had such a big crush on New England that I when it was time to pick a college, I decided to go to UMass. Oh, swoony, swoon, swoon – to be in New England in autumn. And so many people that I love are here. Oh, my heart!
- Evening light in Northport
- Capturing the sunset in Belfast
- Could I possibly get more quintessential small town charm in one photo? Belfast
- Main Street, Belfast. That building on the right took my breath away!
- I love the grandeur in miniature!
- The oldest shoe store in America! Established in 1832! Belfast
- A labyrinth in Belfast town park, overlooking Belfast Bay
- Chairs made from lobster traps!
- Belfast Saturday Farmers Market
- The view of Belfast from the pedestrian bridge over where the Passagassawakeag River (“The Passey” for short!) meets Belfast Bay.
- A boatload of wool socks in Belfast
- When in Maine, do as the Mainers do!
- Jo mastering the synchronized limb movement that is curling.
- Geir sweeping like a natural-born curler.
- Jo, Geir and I feeling giddily victorious after our curling lesson.
- Camden waterfront
- One of the great joys in life, crunching in leaf piles!
- My best friend from sixth grade, Susie. Our desks were next to each other at J.C. Price Elementary School in Greensboro, NC. I spent nearly every Friday night at her house for that year. On Friday nights her parents or older sister would drive us to the pre-teen social scene at Skateland USA. On Saturday mornings, we got up early to do her paper route, then we would bury ourselves under blankets on the couch in the den and watch cartoons with her little brother, Noah. I loved being at her house, with her and the rest of her smart, interesting, artistic family. Then I moved away. And a year later, so did she – to Maine. We got to see each other for the first time since we were twelve years old! We had so much catching up to do! I also got to see her parents and Noah, and meet Susie’s daughter, and Noah’s wife and son. What a delight to spend time with them again! You KNOW we were too busy talking if I forgot to take a photo of her!! So I stole Susan’s profile picture. She’s just as freckle-y cute as she ever was! And, coincidentally, her daughter Bella is now twelve, and looks a whole lot like Susie did then – right down to the braces on her teeth. Life can be so amazing and wonderful. I feel so blessed!
- Susie’s – ahem, I mean Susan’s – charming cafe, Dot’s, in Lincolnville
- Susan’s charming cafe, Dot’s, in Lincolnville
- The best bathroom sign I have ever seen!
- Geir and the kids at Megunticook Lake
- Jack-o-lanterns for everyone!
- From miles around, trick-or-treaters converge on a six-block area of Belfast. I have never seen so many in one place. AND, isn’t this the sweetest gaze Alexander is giving to his Papa?
- Two-year-old Bumble-Bixby (-bee!) found her calling in giving out candy at the door. Friendly but firm, moving the traffic along. It was clearly hilarious.
- Because we could all use some more hope!