What a lovely day, all around. We walked the two blocks of Main Street in Saluda, shared wonderful conversation and a meal with the very engaging Scott Derks and Hank Stallworth, enjoyed the stroll up to Pearson’s Falls, and popped over to Tryon to see the statue of its favorite daughter Nina Simone. Swoon, sigh…
- Mayor’s Office & City Jail As Needed ?
- You read that right! The annual festival of Saluda.
- Pace General Store, Saluda
- The checkers are Coke bottle caps vs. RC Cola bottle caps. Not a Moon Pie in sight. ? Pace General Store, Saluda
- Saluda
- What says “country” more than canning on gingham? Saluda
- I do believe this is the first time I have seen Avocado Toast and Pimento Cheese on the same menu! Purple Onion, Saluda
- The divine intertwined twigging in the bannister at Scott’s home. Ridiculous that I took no photos of Scott himself, or anyone else for that matter!
- Check out that delicate spring green illuminated by the sun!
- A teeny waterfall on a fascinating rock formation.
- Foam Flower
- Maiden Hair Fern
- It has been a couple of decades since I saw my old friend Pearson’s Falls. Hello, hello! It’s been too long!
- Trade Street, the main commercial street in Tryon
- Statue of Nina Simone