St. Stephen’s University & Jagori, Delhi, India – January 2019
So, this is the "work" part of this trip! I met Ben when we were both 19 years old WALKING from Los Angeles to Washington DC on the Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament. (Yes, I know - that's a story in itself!) For most of his adult life, Ben has been...

Lodhi Gardens, Delhi, India – January 2019
Deepak and Dilip took Ben and me here. Not only was it beautiful and historic (two of my favorite things!), there was also a bit more oxygen and a bit less carbon dioxide here than the rest of Delhi, which is permeated with smog. From Wikipedia: Lodi Gardens is a city...

Perspective from the Road, Delhi, India – January 2019
I find riding in this chaos in a tuk-tuk to be a thrill. It's totally different than U.S. traffic. First, there are very few rules - so it seems like people don't spend much time getting indignant that things aren't happening the way they are "supposed" to be. It's...