Family History, New Hampshire & Massachusetts
I made family history pilgrimages in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Such sacred ground to stand on! And what an honor to hear all the stories that poured forth in response to my curiosity and photos. [gallery columns="1" size="full"...

Misc. Massachusetts – November 2018
Massachusetts is another place that feels like home to me. I know it was the history and the architecture that captivated me when my family visited New England when I was a kid. Then when I went to UMass, I fell in love with all the quirks of the regional culture. I...

Puppet Free Library, Boston, Massachusetts – November
I was happily wandering around my beloved Boston without a specific plan until the evening... and I got a message from Julia, an old Portland friend that I haven’t seen since the ‘90s. She was in town visiting family, and five minutes away!! First we met for coffee to...