Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada – October 2019
My sister and her husband honeymooned on Nova Scotia, and they both still get a faraway dreamy look in their eyes when they talk about it. They had three main recommendations - Lunenburg, Peggy's Cove and Cape Breton National Park. I went to all of them! Lunenburg and...

Pumpkin Regatta, Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada – October 2018
The announcer called them “personal vegetable crafts (PVCs).” The Pumpkin Regatta is literally people paddling enormous pumpkins across Lake Pesaquid. The paddlers carve out the pumpkin's centers and create elaborate seating on the inside. They paint the pumpkins on...

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada – October 2018
If there is one thing that I got clear about during my time in Michigan, Ontario and Quebec, it is how strategically important the Great Lakes and adjacent rivers have been in the course of human North American history. Québec City is considered the “cradle of French...