Two-Month Reflection, Portland, Oregon – July 2018
June 30 was the two-month anniversary of leaving Los Angeles on my full-time RV journey. I want to share three insights I am having which might resonate with others. ~ I am experiencing the passage of time differently ~ One of the reasons I overhauled my life is that...

Portland, Oregon – July 2018
A week in my beloved Portland, where I lived 1989-1998. I got to see a bajillion friends in addition to places that I love. What a wonderful visit! [gallery columns="1" size="full"...

Very punny, Coquille River, Oregon – June 2018
So, I started it off posting the photo of my feet on Facebook and captioning it: "My current situation. Current! Get it?? I'm on the water! ?" And this magnificent outpouring happened in response... [gallery columns="1" size="full"...